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Kerry’s House of Pain

corrective bodywork
Los ángeles


Email me to book a session


The House of Pain is my in-person bodywork practice here in Los Angeles. I specialize in Corrective Bodywork & Myo-Fasica Release. It was named “House of Pain” out of fun, but I made it official because it is quite clear. This practice is intense and wastes no time. And the hope is that after this work, you will no longer be in pain.

the Goal

To diagnose and correct imbalances and blockages in the body’s soft tissue to alleviate my clients’ pain, limited range of motion, muscular tightness and impingement effectively and efficiently.

My practice

Is based on an eastern philosophy “Structural Energy Lines” that follows the flow and blockage of energy in the body’s tissues and muscle fascia. It isn’t a “regular” massage in a couple of ways…

  • We work on the floor Thai-style completely covered in comfy clothing.
  • I use my feet, knees, hips, elbows, forearms, palms & fingers to compress and create friction to open pathways.
  • Focus on relieving pain vs. working on the entire body in one session. In an hour session, I might only work on one part of the body. We talk about where you experience pain, limited range of motion, tightness and impingement and I work to correct the imbalance and alleviate the discomfort.
  • Instead of massaging the belly of the muscle, this approach aims to clear physical pathways in the body  and open up blockages. Therefore, unlike a traditional Swedish massage, I work on joints, nerves and fascia bundles.
  • The work is efficient and intense. The goal is for the session to be more painful then your LIFE.

I’m under the on-going tutelage of Master Teacher and Healer, Sensei Michael Tan of SEA Bodywork, Chang Mai, Thailand since 2017.

Clients say…
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My splits are back!

“I’ve had my splits pretty well in hand for the last 10 years or so, but towards the end of 2022 my hamstrings were suddenly way too tight to do much of anything. After just 1 session back with Kerry’s house of pain after taking a break over the holidays my splits came back the next day. Thank you so much for beating my hamstrings back into submission!”  – Nikki

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Highly Recommended

“Over the years, my shoulder mobility had become so compromised that I couldn’t take a shirt on and off without pain. I couldn’t even cuddle comfortably with my wife at night. Bodywork with Kerry is intense but she gets to the source of my myo-fasica and muscular imbalances. What took months to open up with my yoga practice took only a few sessions with Kerry.”  – Thomas

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ fundamental change

“The House of Pain changed my body fundamentally. It’s like physical therapy on steroids, but even better. HOP helped me fix imbalances and that would have led to much more pain, injury and deterioration later on had I not fixed them. It helped me become a better athlete in ways that I couldn’t have done by training harder. Everyone needs House of Pain in their life!” – Nicole

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ pain due to scoliosis

“I’m a professional dancer and aerialist who’s suffered from scoliosis. Kerry’s bodywork has improved my life-long back pain like no other massage I’ve had. It hurts so good!” – Meredith

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ prenatal relief

“Half of the pregnancy I had the feeling of a Charlie horse could happen at any moment.  They came to fruition twice in the last month. After you cleared those pathways or opened them more, I no longer have that potential feeling.”  – Gayle, bodyworker & 36 wks pregnant